Are you bug body ready?

We’re here to help! Download our free Bug Off! essential travel pack with bite-sized facts and handy tips to keep you safe from pesky insests whilst exploring the outdoors!

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Travel Like A Pro


Going Abroad?
Here's An Easy
Step Guide

  • Decide on your destination

  • Is it in the tropics? Is there a risk of Mosquito Borne Disease

  • Seek advice from a GP or travel clinic 4 TO 6 weeks before you travel to find out if you need vaccinations or antimalarials.

  • Insecticide treated clothing

    Find out more
  • Repellent Bed net

  • Pack these items

  • On holiday, make sure you stay protected!

  • See a doctor if you feel ill on holiday, or after you return

  • Now you are #BUGBODYREADY

Bite sized facts

Some fast facts you really should know before you buzz off out the country


FAQs on Repellents

Here are our most frequently asked questions, click each question to reveal the answer

What Else is Bugging You?

Here are our most frequently asked questions, click each question to reveal the answer


Do Your Research

Before going on holiday, you should take medical advice to ensure you take the correct precautions such as vaccines and medicines. You should visit your GP or seek urgent medical attention if you have any concerns about bites or experience any symptoms.


For general travel information before you go abroad, please visit:


For health care professionals and for further resources, please visit:

Media enquiries should be directed to the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine press office

Bemused backpacker

For gap year expert travel health advice and information:

For further information:


Bug Blog

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Join The Swarm

We want to get little explorers buzzing about tropical countries, foreign cultures and travel. Via the power of Skype we are partnering schools in the UK with schools in Brazil, Colombia, Indonesia, Tanzania, Florida, South Africa, China and Hong Kong.
